Dinner partners. At formal dinners, each man escorts the dinner partner, who sits on his right, to the dinner table.
- Each man may learn his partner’s name from cards in small envelopes arranged on a silver tray in the entrance hall (see sample card in fig 3–13). At large dinners in hotels or clubs, a tray of name cards is usually placed in the room where cocktails are served.
- Each man opens his envelope or card in time to meet his dinner partner. The host makes certain that every man either knows or is presented to his dinner partner. At large official dinners, the aides make the introductions.
- After noting the name of his dinner partner on his card, each man checks the seating chart. The chart is usually displayed near the tray of name cards. It is generally a table-shaped board that shows the location of each guest’s seat at the table.
- The host leads the way to the dining room. He escorts the ranking female and seats her at his right. The hostess comes next with the ranking male, unless the guest of honor is of a very high position. In this case, the host (hostess) and guest of honor enter the dining room first. The host or hostess and ranking female (male) enter next. All other guests follow in pairs, in no particular order of precedence.
- The place cards most generally used are heavy white cards about 2 inches high and 3 inches long. The flag of the hosting official or general officer or a unit crest may be embossed or stamped in the upper left corner or top center. The title or rank and surname are handwritten in black ink. If two people of the same rank and last name are present, a first initial may be used.
- Sergeants through master sergeants are referred to as “sergeant.” Sergeants major and command sergeants major
as, “Sergeant Major.” Second lieutenant and a first lieutenant are referred to as “Lieutenant,” and lieutenant colonels
and colonels as “Colonel,” and all general officers as “General.”
- A thoughtful guest will always write a thank you note to the host/hostess who has entertained him or her. It is also thoughtful to send flowers or a gift for very special occasions.
- It is generally not necessary to write a thank you note for large official functions, such as a reception to which hundreds of guests have been invited.
- Toasts are given upon various occasions - at wedding receptions, dinners, birthday parties, anniversaries, and dining-ins/outs. Today we honor individuals and/or institutions by raising our glasses in a salute while expressing good wishes and drinking to that salute. Etiquette calls for all to participate in a toast. Even non-drinkers should at least raise the glass to the salute.
- Those offering a toast, male or female, should stand, raise the glass in a salute while uttering the expression of good will. Meanwhile, the individual(s) being toasted should remain seated, nod in acknowledgment, and refrain from drinking to one’s own toast. Later, they may stand, thank the others, and offer a toast in return. A female may respond with a toast or she may remain seated, smile at the person who toasted her and raise her glass in a gesture of “Thanks, and here’s to you.”
- At a formal event, the host initiates the toasting, Mr. Vice/Madame Vice at a Dining-in/out, or any guest when the occasion is informal. The subject of the toast is always based upon the type of occasion. General toasts would be “to your health,” or to “success and happiness,” although special occasions such as weddings or birthdays would require toasts more specific in nature such as, “to Mary and John for a lifetime of happiness and love” in the case of a wedding, or on a birthday, “may your next 25 years be as happy and as successful as your first 25 years.”
- When you are the one making the toasts at a formal occasion, you must be well prepared. You must have advance information about the person or persons to be toasted in order that your remarks are pertinent, related to the individual, and are accurate. If he or she is a close friend, you may make a more personal remark.
- Toasts are generally given at the end of a meal, during or after dessert as soon as the wine or champagne is served and before any speeches are made. Toasts at dining-ins or dining-outs are often presented just prior to being seating for the meal.
- At a small dinner a toast may be proposed by anyone as soon as the first wine has been served, and guests stand only if the person giving the toast stands. More than one toast may be drunk with the same glass of wine.
- When toasting Prisoners of War water should be used as the toasting beverage.
- For toasts to foreign guests or to heads of state, see appendix C or contact HQDA (SAUS–IA–FL), Foreign Liaison Protocol, at (703) 697–4762 or DSN: 227–4762.

Figure 3-1. Usual mixed dinner

Figure 3-2. Usual large official dinner

Figure 3-3. Married couples at mixed dinner

Figure 3-4. Unmarried couples (No. 5) at mixed dinner

Figure 3-5. Small mixed dinner (no hostess) (guest of honor and spouse are at No. 2)

Figure 3-6. Small mixed dinner (no hostess)

Figure 3-7. Roundtable seating arrangement

Figure 3-8. Stag dinner with host and co-host

Figure 3-9. Stag dinner with no co-host
arrangement with no co-host" width="200" height="113" />
Figure 3-10. Another stag dinner arrangement with no co-host
at roundtable with host and co-host" width="200" height="113" />
Figure 3-11. Stag dinner at roundtable with host and co-host

Figure 3-12. Speaker’s table at a banquet

Figure 3-13. Sample of a dinner card

Figure 3-14. Roundtable seating plan

Figure 3-15. Rectangular or square seating plan