Alternatively, add the Form command to the QAT:
- Customize the QAT (upper side of the ribbon).
- Choose More Commands.
The Form command will be in the QAT as depicted in the below image.
Step 4 – Input Data Using the Form
- Choose any cell within the table.
- Access the Form command from the New Tab or QAT.
- The entire table is automatically added to the Excel Form.
- For example, if you’re observing the first record (e.g., Bananas), the Form will display it.
Regardless of the cell you choose, the Form shows the first record.
Essential Tips
When you create a database in Excel with Form, you should know about these basic things that would be beneficial for you.
Tip 1 – To Add a New Record
When creating a database with the Form:
- To add a new record:
- Insert column headings and convert them into an Excel Table (press CTRL + T).
- Select any cell within the table and use the Form command.
- Manually enter data for each field (e.g., Fruits: Bananas) and click New.
You can easily add a new record.
Tip 2 – To Delete a Record
- Locate the record (e.g., Blueberries at B10:F10 cells).
- Scroll down after activating the Form command to find the desired record.
- You’ll get the following message. Press OK.
The record has been deleted.
Tip 3 – Updating or Editing a Record
Note: If the Restore button doesn’t work, simply press ENTER.
Tip 4 – Searching with Criteria within the Database Using Form
To find a specific record (e.g., the State of Ohio):
- Type Ohio in the box next to the States field.
- Choose the Find Prev button to locate the previous record (1 of 7).
Tip 5 – Closing Excel Form
- To close the Excel Form:
- Click the Close icon in the upper right corner of the interface.
- Alternatively, press the Close button (Esckey).
Tip 6 – Keyboard Shortcut to Creating a Database in Excel Form
While working in the Excel Form:
- Press TAB to move to the next field sequentially.
in Excel Form" width="707" height="440" />
- Use SHIFT + TAB to go to the previous field.
in Excel Form" width="707" height="445" />
- Press ENTER to navigate to the next record without scrolling down.
in Excel Form" width="709" height="471" />
Download Practice Workbook
You can download the practice workbook from here: